Echols Outreach Interns Application Open

Monday, February 15, 2021 - 00:00 to Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 00:00

Are you passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion? Want to help these principles flourish in the Echols Program? We are excited to announce new positions in the Echols team – we are seeking up to 10 Echols Scholars to serve as Echols Outreach Interns for the Spring Semester. The student interns will collaborate with the Echols team to:


  1. develop inclusive programming for current Echols Scholars,
  2. participate in outreach and interactions with prospective students from underrepresented backgrounds, and 
  3. connect with current first-year UVA students who are eligible to apply to the Echols Program.


Students in these positions will earn $10/hour for their time, for up to 50 hours over the course of the semester. The student work efforts could include, for example, letter writing, phone calls, one-on-one conversations, group events (online for Spring 2021), and leading panel discussions on the Echols Scholars Program and life at UVA.