Class of 2022 by the Numbers
We are thrilled for the incoming first-year class of Echols Scholars to join our community! During their first-year welcome reception we asked them to answer the following question. As you will read in a subset of their responses, they are eager and ready to dive in, and we can’t wait to see what they accomplish.

What do you hope to get out of the Echols Program during your first year?
I hope to gain a community of people who I can come to with academic issues but personal ones too. I hope to offer a way to help others when we’re all stressing out, so they can know they’re not alone.
– Genevieve Pierre Charles
I most hope to meet an intelligent and focused group of people! I look forward to diversity of thought and intelligent, rational discourse, and so far, I have been impressed by the people I’ve met.
– Caleb Davis “Swag Money” Barnes
Finding people with interesting interests who are willing to teach me.
– Zaki Panjsheeri
Connections!!! Excited to build a tribe of academically excited people.
– Tatiyahna Blakely
A community of friends who challenge me to think differently and grow as a person—all while having fun.
– Anshul Nayar
I hope to meet people and have discussions with people in completely different fields.
– Rhianna Bhatia
I hope to connect with similarly motivated peers and share insight.
– Jonah Weissman
I hope to learn about things I’ve never even thought of before. I know I will get excellent mentorship along the way.
– Zoe Ziff
Lots of friends who share a similar enjoyment of learning.
– Elena Bosack
I am really excited for the community of Echols, and as I have already seen this is a group of smart and genuine people. I think Echols will help make this year amazing not only socially but academically.
– David Miron
I want to explore classes that I’ve never had the opportunity to take, and (hopefully) find a major.
– Schyler Vander Schaaf
Unique educational experience and personal growth.
– Enrique Unruh
An academic community that studies and hangs together.
– Benjamin Wuesthoff
Life-long friends who enjoy life-long learning.
– Magin Sanchez
I hope to gain a community full of support and learning, which I already see forming.
– Taylor Milch
I hope to expand my scope of knowledge and appreciation in every way possible, from intellectual and academic stimulation to everyday curiosities and discoveries.
– Annie Cao
A collaborative community that is engaging and inclusive of all people.
– Alicja Blaszczyk
To be a part of a community unlike any I have experienced before: a cohort of determined, disciplined, passionate young men and women who are deeply in love with learning in all its myriad forms.
– Jamison Smiley